An Alfred State degree gets results!

An Alfred State degree gets results!

Alfred State, a residential college of technology, provides career-focused education enriched by the liberal arts. With about 80 dynamic majors — offering engaging course work in both traditional classrooms and the real world —Alfred State provides students with unparalleled preparation.

Max Elia

"The 24/vii accessibility of online learning was extremely convenient to me. I was pleased with the whole feel."

Max Elia

Max Elia

Healthcare Management

Max pursued a degree that would add together to his experiences in the Navy.

Max Elia saw the world serving in the United States Navy and developed a passion to work in the healthcare field. When his career in the Navy led him back to his hometown, Buffalo, NY, he started searching for a schoolhouse to complete a bachelor'south degree online. Working as the Navy'southward Medical Programs Coordinator and Officeholder Recruiter in the Western New York area, Max found the correct fit with the Healthcare Management degree plan at Alfred State.

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Esther Adelani

"I had the opportunity to choose from different courses instead of staying with i direct path. Once I finished the first caste I was able to use credits I had earned to pursue my caste in Healthcare Management."

Esther Adelani

Esther Adelani

Healthcare Management

Plans changed and Esther was able to finish her caste online.

Esther Adelani carved her own path at Alfred Land College every bit she worked towards her goal of working in the healthcare field. Esther chose Alfred State because it offered her a remainder that was affordable to her and her family unit. She traveled from New York Urban center and started her studies on campus every bit a nursing major.

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Carolina Monterrosas

"I want to bring modify to my family unit past pursuing higher education."

Carolina Monterrosas

Carolina Monterrosas


Carolina has been named a Civic Innovation Scholar.

Making a difference drew Carolina Monterrosas to pursue Alfred State and a nursing degree. The get-go generation pupil from the Bronx has passion for helping others in more ways than just in her subject. "I desire to bring change to my family by pursuing higher education. My parents never had the opportunity to even dream almost attending college while I on the other paw take been privileged enough to do so."

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Leah Woodworth

"Flexibility has been key for me. My schedule fluctuates and so much with my children and my personal responsibilities."

Leah Woodworth

Leah Woodworth

Technology direction

Leah was able to work at her own step and finish her bachelor'southward in a shortened time frame.

Returning to higher was an of import conclusion to Leah Woodworth. She understood the value of earning a bachelor'due south caste and Alfred Country College provided her with an like shooting fish in a barrel and uncomplicated transition to go started on her online technology direction degree. Leah earned an acquaintance'due south degree before starting a family unit. With her children getting older, she knew earning a bachelor's degree would brand her even more valuable in the job market.

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Erin Vitale

"Construction is a slap-up industry," she said. "Y'all get to betoken at a physical thing when you lot are done and say, 'I helped. I was a part of that.'"

Erin Vitale

Erin Vitale

Professor and Department Chair, Ceremonious Engineering Technology

As someone who has been involved with the structure industry for many years, Erin possesses a lot of passion for her field, which she instills in her students.

For Erin Vitale, ane of the all-time parts about working in the structure industry is existence able to run across the finished product, and knowing that she had a hand in its cosmos. Similarly, one of the best parts about beingness a teacher for Erin is seeing what her students take been able to achieve subsequently graduating from Alfred State Higher, and knowing that she hand a manus in shaping their paths.

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Christopher Tremper

"With the aid of those effectually me, nosotros are looking to take the autobody program here at Alfred Country to the next level."

Christopher Tremper

Christopher Tremper

Automotive Trades Instructor

CJ is using his skills and knowledge to transform the lives of Alfred State students, too as the autobody repair programme itself.

With years of real-earth experience and an Alfred Country teaching in his toolbox, Automotive Trades Instructor CJ Tremper is now steering future autobody professionals toward the route to success. Growing up in Avoca, CJ became interested in working on automobiles thanks to his dad, who taught store course at Avoca Fundamental School.

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Madison Krezenski

"If you want to do ultrasound, this is the place to exist."

Madison Krezenski

Madison Krezenski

Diagnostic medical sonography

Madison enjoys being able to larn something new every day in her plan, especially when it comes to working with the scanning equipment.

Madison Krezenski always knew she wanted to pursue a career in sonography. After doing some research, she decided to enroll in Alfred State's diagnostic medical sonography program, which offers small grade sizes, knowledgeable faculty, and plenty of hands-on learning opportunities. Without a doubt, Madison knows that she made the right choice.

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Dalan Ealy

"Classes are always changing...Y'all're never on the same subject or the same variation of a field of study."

Dalan Ealy

Dalan Ealy

Agricultural automation and robotics

Dalan has been able to further his education through an internship thank you to his professors.

Enrolling in Alfred State'due south agricultural automation and robotics program only made sense for Dalan Ealy. He grew up on a subcontract and had a strong involvement in robotics, after all.

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Bryce Warren

"I really felt at domicile. I felt similar I vest here."

Bryce Warren

Bryce Warren

Liberal arts and sciences: math and scientific discipline

Bryce appreciates that Alfred Country has a small, friendly surround.

Like many students inbound college, Bryce Warren was uncertain as to what school and major were right for him. In one case he took a bout of Alfred State, however, Bryce made up his mind about where he wanted to get. "I really felt at domicile. I felt like I belong here. No other higher has been that way."

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Jacob Clark

"You'll always have something new to practice and more than stuff to learn."

Jacob Clark

Jacob Clark

Culinary arts

"You become to melt stuff you haven't even touched before or thought you could cook before."

From real-globe experience, to helpful kinesthesia members and more than, Alfred State's culinary arts program has given Jacob Clark all the ingredients he needs to be successful in his career. Jacob loves that his program has and so many hands-on learning opportunities that help broaden his knowledge and skills and give him a glimpse into what he can expect on the job.

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Allison DeGraff

"People here are always really cool and outgoing."

Allison DeGraff

Allison DeGraff

Mechanical engineering technology

Allison loves Alfred State considering of the friendliness of the people on campus.

Growing up, Allison DeGraff was intrigued by the work that her male parent, an aeronautical engineer, was doing in his job. Eventually, Allison decided that she as well was going to go an engineer. When it came time to pick a college, Allison realized that Alfred Land was the perfect fit for her.

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Mike Ronan

"Having fun in the classroom is an absolute central part of my teaching philosophy."

Mike Ronan

Mike Ronan

Automotive Trades Professor

Ronan is very passionate near Alfred State and admits he "bleeds blueish and aureate."

Mike Ronan'south involvement in automobiles began at an early age. In fact, by the time he was 3 years quondam, he could already place every type of auto he saw on the road. "Information technology's a passion that has never not been there," he said. "My passion for cars has always been there."

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Seth Cooney

"Be ready to learn. Everything is offered to you."

Seth Cooney

Seth Cooney

Motorbike and power sports applied science

Seth enjoys the fact that he and his peers are able to ride their bikes on nearby land that is owned by Alfred State.

Later researching Alfred State'southward motorcycle and power sports technology program, Seth Cooney decided it was the perfect fit for him. Similar many students, Seth considers himself a easily-on learner. Since enrolling at Alfred State, he has received plenty of real-world, easily-on learning experiences through working on a variety of motorcycles and small vehicles. "We're in the lab for four-and-a-one-half hours each 24-hour interval."

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Le Nguyen

"My programme has a lot of hands-on activities and that'southward the matter I was looking for in a plan."

Le Nguyen

Le Nguyen

Structure management

What stood out to Le was the fact that [Alfred Land] is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE).

While researching construction direction majors offered in New York State, Le Nguyen became very impressed with Alfred State's program. What stood out to Le was all the easily-on learning experience the program offers, and the fact that it is accredited past the American Quango for Construction Education (ACCE). Later on learning all this, Le was convinced that Alfred State was the right college for her.

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Nizair Evans

"If you want to take your career path seriously, you lot need to come here."

Nizair Evans

Nizair Evans

Heavy equipment, truck and diesel technician

Nizair already has a job lined upward equally a diesel technician at Milton CAT once he graduates.

While enrolled in an automotive program at another higher, Nizair Evans decided he wanted a major that was more hands-on and wouldn't require him to take any electives. The perfect fit: Alfred State College'due south (ASC) heavy equipment, truck and diesel technician program. Nizair had heard about the plan and decided to cheque it out for himself on a tour. After that, he was sold.

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Tod Maitland

"Some of my fondest memories in life are from Alfred."

Tod Maitland

Tod Maitland

Audio visual technology

Tod acknowledges that the ii years he spent at the college fabricated an impact on him that continues to this day, which is why he'll always exist proud to be an Alfred State Pioneer.

If yous like to scout movies, chances are you've experienced Tod Maitland'due south work. Throughout his career every bit a audio engineer, Tod has been involved with more than 100 films, ranging from "I Am Legend," to "Seabiscuit," to "Joker." He also has 4 Academy Award nominations in the "Best Sound" category to his credit.

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"The didactics I got here (at Alfred State) in just 2 years was outstanding and allowed me to basically exist very active in the business community in the Land of New York."

Erland "Erkie" Kailbourne

Erland "Erkie" Kailbourne

Business administration

Erkie is a member of Alfred Country's Hall of Excellence.

Erland "Erkie" Kailbourne decided to give to Alfred State Higher's (ASC) Major Gifts Campaign because he knows offset-hand the value of an ASC pedagogy.

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Mackenzie Congdon

"I similar how [the campus] is so diverse, and at the same time, it's like a small community. You know all your professors and well-nigh of your classmates."

Mackenzie Congdon

Mackenzie Congdon

Liberal arts and sciences: humanities

While helping her notice the correct career path, the program likewise improved Mackenzie'due south writing and reading comprehension skills, which are beneficial for any career.

When the time came to pick a college major, Mackenzie Congdon decided Alfred State's liberal arts and sciences: humanities plan was the perfect fit. Mackenzie, after all, loved writing and excelled in her loftier school English classes. She was also unsure of her exact career path. Later taking a variety of courses in her program, still, Mackenzie ultimately discovered she wanted to get an English teacher.

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Jess Lippa

"I love working with [students] during the semester, and I bark like a baby during the pinning ceremony when they're walking across that stage and they've graduated."

Jess Lippa

Jess Lippa

Co-chair of Nursing Section

Jess is the definition of a life changer.

Whether caring for patients, volunteering in her community, or guiding the next generation of nurses, Jess Lippa is all about changing lives for the amend.

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Devin Hall

"I asked effectually and everyone that told me nearly Alfred State said it'south a really great college and that they enjoyed it."

Devin Hall

Devin Hall

Motorcar tool applied science

Alfred State has helped Devin make valuable connections with employers, which have led to internships at two companies.

For Devin Hall, enrolling at Alfred Land merely made sense. "I asked around and everyone that told me about Alfred Land said it's a really dandy college and that they enjoyed information technology. My dad came here and he enjoyed it. Plus, the machine tool applied science program is the best of its kind that I have seen."

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Kyra Hancock

"The temper is very friendly."

Kyra Hancock

Kyra Hancock

Liberal arts and sciences: humanities

One of Kyra's favorite aspects of her program is the faculty.

Kyra Hancock has been passionate about reading and writing for many years. That passion drew her to Alfred State'southward liberal arts and sciences: humanities program. Through this major, Kyra has enhanced her writing and communication skills, as well equally her noesis well-nigh the English linguistic communication itself. Kyra realizes that beingness able to write and communicate well is something that is necessary for any type of field.

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Alexandra Torregrossa

"[The college] has a very friendly surround. The teachers are very prissy and welcoming."

Alexandra Torregrossa

Alexandra Torregrossa

Autobody repair

Already in her starting time year, Alexandra has gained experience with fender and hood repair, as well as her favorite type of autobody work: painting.

After working with her father to repair a damaged four-wheeler, Alexandra Torregrossa was certain that she wanted to pursue a career in the autobody industry. She decided to check out Alfred Land'due south autobody repair program, and establish that information technology was the correct fit for her.

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Valerie Davis

"You learn so many skills in a short amount of fourth dimension. It's merely astonishing."

Valerie Davis

Valerie Davis


"Alfred State is a good school for nursing because of the support you go here equally a pupil. Too, the clinical and easily-on experiences are really helpful."

When Valerie Davis decided to go back to higher for nursing, she discovered that Alfred Country's program was the correct fit for her. Valerie was drawn to the program because of its affordability and too because she has friends who are Alfred State nursing alumni. "They always take great things to say most the plan and they are splendid nurses now."

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Caleb Boyce-Wright

"[Architecture] enables you to achieve and you lot get to exist passionate about information technology, so as long as you accept passion, you'll be fine, and your passion will continue to grow while you're here."

Caleb Boyce-Wright

Caleb Boyce-Wright


Caleb has had some astonishing experiences, including studying away in Sorrento, Italia.

Growing up, Caleb Boyce-Wright adult a fascination for design and cartoon, which ultimately led to him enrolling in Alfred State's architecture program.

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Trentin Barber

"[Corning Inc.] offered me a full-time position every bit a robotic automation controls engineer."

Trentin Barber

Trentin Barber

Electrical engineering engineering

Trentin has been able to put his pedagogy to use in some amazing means, including programming, installing, and designing a robot arm equally part of his senior projection.

When Trentin Hairdresser researched Alfred State's electric applied science technology program, he came away impressed for several reasons. First, Trentin liked that the program offers pocket-size class sizes, which allows for more personalized attention from professors. 2nd, he appreciated existence able to receive a hands-on didactics that would provide real-globe knowledge and experience.

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Nathanael Gisellie

"I relish the relationship with the teachers that you get at Alfred Country that you don't actually get with other colleges, especially in a big classroom."

Nathanael Gisellie

Nathanael Gisellie

Financial planning

Through field trips, Nathanael has networked with fiscal planning professionals and learned more nearly the field.

Nathanael Gisellie feels well-prepared to enter the workforce thanks to what he has learned both inside and outside of the classroom at Alfred State Higher. Every bit a financial planning student, Nathanael likes the real-world learning experiences he receives in class, as well as the one-on-ane interaction he is able to have with his professors.

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Raeha Dixon

"I love knowing that I'll take classes with professors who wait at you equally more than just a number."

Raeha Dixon

Raeha Dixon

Healthcare management

Raeha enjoys the small educatee-to-faculty ratio.

When searching for a college major that was correct for her, Raeha Dixon knew she wanted to pursue a career in healthcare.  She also knew that she didn't want to become a nurse, a surgeon, or a doctor. Raeha, in fact, was more interested in the business organisation and managerial aspects of the field, whether it's working with insurance companies or learning almost unlike data systems.

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Eric Passeck

"You can become more one-on-one interaction with the teachers here than y'all would at a larger schoolhouse."

Eric Passeck

Eric Passeck

Electrical construction and maintenance electrician

Eric enjoys the pocket-size class sizes in his plan.

When looking into unlike postsecondary schools, Eric Passeck knew he wanted to larn a trade and also become the so-called "total higher feel." His search led him to discover Alfred Land, which concluded up beingness the perfect fit. Here, Eric is getting a quality education, while also experiencing campus life and independence from habitation. For Eric, the best part about his program is the abundance of easily-on learning he gets each day.

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Becky Johnson

"Nosotros've seen a existent crime lab, nosotros've visited a morgue and places similar that and seen the different processes they apply in their piece of work, so that'southward been helpful for me as a educatee."

Becky Johnson

Becky Johnson

Criminal justice

Becky definitely feels more than prepared for the workforce at present thanks to Alfred State.

Becky Johnson has always been interested in the criminal justice field, especially when it comes to learning about different laws and policies. This involvement led her to enroll in Alfred State's criminal justice program, which she feels has been the perfect fit. Becky loves that this major allows her to become plenty of real-world learning experiences through indoor and outdoor lab work, as well as educational field trips.

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Juwan Gross

"I've made a lot of good friends hither because of the fact that the environment is and then friendly and calorie-free-hearted."

Juwan Gross

Juwan Gross

It: applications software development

In add-on to receiving a quality pedagogy, Juwan also enjoys being a Pioneer because of the temper at Alfred State.

Juwan Gross has e'er had an involvement in computers, whether it was tinkering around with them or even just playing games. Naturally, this interest led Juwan to enroll in Alfred State'south applications software evolution program, where he has learned almost spider web development, networking, microcomputer systems, programming language sequences, and more. In his program, Juwan feels motivated to push himself to his fullest potential.

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Deborah Huppman

"I liked that nosotros were able to get a lot of hands-on training and that you weren't sitting in a lecture all day."

Deborah Huppman

Deborah Huppman

Welding technology

Small class sizes that allow for more individualized attention too played a role in Deborah'southward determination to become a Pioneer.

A number of reasons sparked Deborah Huppman's decision to enroll at Alfred State. One of these was existence able to get plenty of applied learning experiences in her plan. "I liked that we were able to go a lot of easily-on training and that you weren't sitting in a lecture all day." Another reason was the professors, whom she plant to be very helpful and also very knowledgeable virtually their field.

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Claire Wragg

"Alfred State has washed an exceptional job of making certain that I am set to head out into the workforce."

Claire Wragg

Claire Wragg

Electrical construction and maintenance electrician

Ane of the best aspects of the program for Claire is the corporeality of easily-on learning she has received.

While researching Alfred State's electrical major, Claire Wragg spoke with her cousin, who had previously graduated from the plan. Afterwards getting a first-hand account of all the program has to offer, Claire came away convinced that the major was correct for her. "Based off what my cousin had told me, every bit far equally the knowledge she had gained from the program and how information technology prepared her for the field, I was all in."

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Brian Hierl

"Everything I saw said that they are very activity-oriented, significant they focus on the skills y'all demand to have to really perform. It's not just all lecture."

Brian Hierl

Brian Hierl


Brian highly recommends Alfred State to whatsoever adults looking to further their pedagogy.

After 24 years of service in the Air Force, Brian Hierl knew he wanted to become to school for nursing because it would give him opportunities to progress and help people. When conducting his college search, he looked into Alfred State, and came away impressed.

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Daiki Kawakami

"Alfred Country has prepared me for my career."

Daiki Kawakami

Daiki Kawakami

Biological science

Daiki has found out for himself that Alfred State is an fantabulous school with a friendly surroundings and helpful professors.

While studying in his habitation country of Japan, Daiki Kawakami befriended an Alfred State graduate who spoke very highly of the college. "He said that it'south a really good school and that everyone in that location is really warm and kind."

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Austin Oakes

"I love operating and the fact that I'1000 not stuck in a classroom talking about operating. I'm actually getting a chance to sit on the machines."

Austin Oakes

Austin Oakes

Heavy equipment operations

"I was told if I came into this program, it'd be similar playing with the big Tonka trucks."

As a kid, Austin Oakes loved to play with Tonka trucks. It's no wonder, and so, that he ended up enrolling in Alfred State's heavy equipment operations plan, and learning how to use backhoes, bulldozers, excavators, and more. "I was told if I came into this plan, it'd be like playing with the big Tonka trucks." The huge amount of time Austin gets to spend operating equipment each day is his favorite part of the program.

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Carolyn Wright

"I recall it's important to know what'south currently going on in the industry and what the trends are, and Alfred State does a really bang-up job of getting that across."

Carolyn Wright

Carolyn Wright

Agricultural business

"Everybody makes you experience welcome, even people outside your major, which I really bask."

Thanks to her experiences at Alfred State College, Carolyn Wright has grown every bit a student, a leader, and a person. As a result, she now feels more prepared to take on the real world. In her programme, Carolyn has received numerous hands-on learning opportunities, from working with a diversity of different animals at the College Subcontract, to serving on the Dairy Judging Squad, to touring farms in- and out-of-state. She has also enjoyed learning well-nigh the concern side of agriculture.

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Kayana Gray

"I feel like Alfred State is preparing me really well. They're very realistic about how it volition exist in the real globe."

Kayana Grayness

Kayana Gray

Culinary arts

Kayana loves that she gets so much hands-on training in her program.

Prior to enrolling in Alfred State's culinary arts programme, Kayana Gray didn't know much well-nigh the nutrient industry. In one case classes started, yet, it didn't take long for her to start gaining cognition and experience. "The first week nosotros got hither, they taught us how to fabricate a chicken, how to cut it apart, and information technology was a really good experience. Information technology took me some time to learn, but at present I'g a lot faster at it."

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Aidan Wilson

"If you lot're interested in animation and y'all're looking for some place in New York Country, I'd say Alfred State is fantastic. You tin can't really get wrong with coming here."

Aidan Wilson

Aidan Wilson

Digital media and blitheness

I of the most notable opportunities Aidan received resulted from an internship that a professor helped him secure.

For Aidan Wilson, 1 of the best parts about the digital media and animation (DMA) program is the sense of community that develops among the students and their professors. "I really like the digital media and animation program considering it has a strong focus on collaborating with your peers, and that's just invaluable. Also, the professors are very involved and a lot of them accept the time to find opportunities for yous if yous're willing to work with them."

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Brian Perry

"It was a good mix of the academic world and the real earth – book knowledge and real-world awarding."

Brian Perry

Brian Perry

Concern Assistants

Brian Perry continues to take his company to great heights thank you in part to his Alfred State education.

As the executive vice president, chairman, and co-possessor of Perry'south Water ice Foam, Brian Perry continues to have his company to great heights thanks in part to his Alfred State pedagogy.

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Eric Doty

"I really can't thank Alfred Land plenty for giving me that education and opportunity to grow and observe success."

Eric Doty

Eric Doty

Reckoner engineering engineering science

Eric is living out his passion every day as a game design industry professional person within the Greater Los Angeles area.

Every bit an avid gamer, Eric Doty always knew he wanted to pursue a career in video games.

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Dannielle O'Buckley

"I call back Alfred State is preparing us for success."

Dannielle O'Buckley

Dannielle O'Buckley

Surveying and geomatics engineering technology

Dannielle will have four years of credit toward the total statutory time requirement for licensure as a land surveyor in New York State after she graduates.

Dannielle O'Buckley was drawn to Alfred Country's surveying and geomatics engineering technology major for a couple of reasons. Number one, she was searching for a surveying program with a 4-twelvemonth degree path. Number two, she noticed the major is accredited by the Accreditation Lath for Applied science and Engineering science, Inc. (ABET).

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Carissa Kelsch

"Being involved on this campus is one of the key things you should do every bit a educatee considering it expands your horizons and then much."

Carissa Kelsch

Carissa Kelsch

Courtroom and realtime reporting

"Grade sizes are small, and you are able to become to anyone in your form and ask for aid."

Carissa Kelsch has many reasons why she'south glad she enrolled at Alfred Country. As a court and realtime reporting major, Carissa values the fact that she can have one-on-ane interaction with her professors and get real-globe, hands-on experience.

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Anthony Riforgiato

"I am representing something that I actually practice believe in. This college is an splendid identify."

Anthony Riforgiato

Anthony Riforgiato

Engineering management

Anthony began racing competitively in 2008 at age 10.

When Anthony Riforgiato was about half-dozen or 7 years old, his dad took him to watch the races at Lake Erie Speedway. Looking on as the bandolero cars sped by, he heard the announcer at the runway say that children every bit immature as 8 years old could drive these vehicles. This immediately piqued young Anthony'south interest.

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Jessica (Mosher) Strassner

"Alfred State is at the root of what I do and beloved every day at my job."

Jessica (Mosher) Strassner

Jessica (Mosher) Strassner


Immediately after graduating, Jessica accepted a position equally a registered nurse (RN).

Looking back at her Alfred State educational activity, Jessica credits the college with providing her a strong base for what she has been able to accomplish both academically and professionally. "Alfred State is at the root of what I do and beloved every day at my job, and it really allowed me to exist able to grow and prosper equally a nurse practitioner."

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Tatyana King

"Honestly, everything I've been doing here at Alfred State will gear up me up for my career. I feel prepared."

Tatyana King

Tatyana King

Sport Management

Tatyana aspires to become a sports agent.

Tatyana always knew she wanted a career in sports, so she sought a college and a major that would help make her dream a reality. Her search led her to discover Alfred State'due south sport management bachelor's degree plan, which turned out to be the perfect fit for her.

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Shelby Detro

"I experience like Alfred State has made me more confident."

Shelby Detro

Shelby Detro

Computer Information Systems

In her major, Shelby is getting plenty of easily-on, real-world feel.

Ever since she was a child, Shelby Detro has been interested in technology. Whenever the Xbox or the computer at habitation needed fixing, she was the 1 to practice it. Information technology is merely plumbing fixtures, and then, that she enrolled in Alfred State'southward computer information systems program, where she is learning to go the "resident proficient" not only at home, only on the job, likewise.

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Kate Jonasse

"There is so much opportunity for women in the automotive manufacture."

Kate Jonasse

Kate Jonasse

Automotive Service Technician

Owner of two successful automotive repair shops

Kate Jonasse is living proof that if you have the drive, talent, and proper guidance to pursue your dreams, you can achieve them. Before becoming a successful technician and concern owner, Kate started out equally a outset-year automotive service technician student at Alfred State. Though she had never even picked up a wrench earlier inbound the program, it didn't have long for her to get the hang of things.

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Sarah Travers

"No thing where I go on campus, I can bump into someone I know."

Sarah Travers

Sarah Travers


Sarah's major allowed her to study abroad in Sorrento, Italian republic.

Sarah loves the real-earth experience she gets in her program through working on a variety of commercial and residential projects. Her major has also immune her to report away in Sorrento, Italy, and to secure an internship with SWBR Architects in Rochester. "At my internship, I dealt with clients. I was less nervous working with them considering, through my course projects, I already knew what information technology was similar to take clients and to have to meet their expectations."

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Dr. Mel Chambliss

"I've seen a great deal of success in the students that we take produced."

Dr. Mel Chambliss

Dr. Mel Chambliss

Agriculture and Veterinary Applied science Department

Founder of the veterinary technology major​

Since developing Alfred Country'southward veterinary engineering program 17 years agone, Dr. Mel Chambliss has touched the lives of countless people and animals, both on campus and in the community. The impact of his skills, noesis, and expertise in his field has been felt past students, pet owners, and animate being care organizations alike.

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Olufunmilola Olojede

"I dear the real-world learning attribute of my major so much."

Olufunmilola Olojede

Olufunmilola Olojede


Though she admits nursing requires a lot of difficult work, she acknowledges that information technology pays off in the end.

Although she initially chose to study nursing at the urging of her parents, Olufunmilola Olojede discovered her passion for the field at Alfred Country. Specifically, she enjoys beingness able to help people, to feel similar she could save somebody'southward life, and as well having the opportunity to not just larn, but to besides apply the processes in clinical experiences.

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Charles Richards

"Y'all can have a hands-on experience here and there at other schools, but Alfred Country is one of those places where they testify you lot everything."

Charles Richards

Charles Richards

Culinary arts

Beingness at Alfred State, Charles said, is similar a second dwelling because of the friendliness of the college customs.

Charles Richards began honing his culinary arts skills a few years agone when he studied at the only culinary-based high schoolhouse in New York City. After enrolling at Alfred State, Charles was able to expand his noesis to include all facets of the food industry, from mass food production to fine dining, the latter of which is his favorite. He plans on pursuing either catering or becoming a private chef.

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Robert Mahany

"The stuff that nosotros practice in course relates 100 percentage to the task. We learn what to do and then nosotros get to go out in that location and do it, and that'due south the fun part."

Robert Mahany

Robert Mahany

Construction management

"Clubs and organizations are so benign to your growth as a pupil, as a human being."

Similar many Alfred Land students, Robert Mahany'southward education extends exterior the classroom walls. As an intern at a Tonawanda-based mechanical contractor, he was able to get hands-on project direction experience, which he also received this summer at an internship in Washington, DC with a leading international infrastructure group. Whether he's learning the theory or putting it into practice, Robert knows he is being prepared well for the next footstep later graduation.

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Nahillah High

"During my birthday, the college sent me a altogether card and no other schoolhouse did, then that fabricated me realize that Alfred State is caring."

Nahillah High

Nahillah High

Human being services

The faculty "know you lot personally, rather than but equally a number."

Later on watching Goggle box shows such as Law and Order and Criminal Minds, and researching the field of forensic psychology, Nahillah Loftier was certain of what career path she wanted to take. However, after Alfred Country helped her land an internship at the Alfred Montessori School, she changed her heed. Rather than become a forensic psychologist, Nahillah decided she wanted to be a kid psychologist instead.

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Aaron Aumick

"I'g definitely glad I made the choice to come up to Alfred Country. I know I'm pretty much guaranteed to have a job once I come out of this program."

Aaron Aumick

Aaron Aumick

Building trades: building construction

Through real-globe experiences and receiving live, hands-on preparation every day, Aaron's very confident about his futurity.

Aaron Aumick loves learning all of the unlike aspects of the structure world at Alfred State, from drywall, to interior surfaces, to crude framing.

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Thomas Richards

"Getting involved in clubs and organizations can give you valuable experience outside of the classroom to help gear up you for the real globe."

Thomas Richards

Thomas Richards

Information technology: network administration

Thomas said the hands-on classes he took at Alfred State gave him more experience than other job candidates.

From making lifelong friendships, to gaining leadership skills, to condign well-prepared for the workforce, the means in which Thomas Richards benefited from his Alfred State experience are many. These days, Thomas is employed equally a senior security consultant at Cigital, one of the globe's largest application security firms, which is headquartered in Washington, DC, and has offices throughout the U.s.a., Europe, and Bharat.

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Elizabeth Glick

"I feel like I'grand going to exist more successful in life as a result of the hands-on attribute of my major."

Elizabeth Glick

Elizabeth Glick

Mechanical engineering technology

After she graduates, Elizabeth plans on designing equipment for the Navy.

Before deciding to nourish Alfred State, Elizabeth Glick had heard virtually the schoolhouse'south strong mechanical engineering technology program through friends of hers, who had "simply positive things to say" about the higher. Also making her decision to enroll easier were the peaceful, welcoming atmosphere on campus; the 20-1 student-faculty ratio; and of form, the college's emphasis on easily-on learning.

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Dr. Aniko Constantine

"I feel as if I make a difference in the quality of their writing, their power to graduate from Alfred Land, and their ability to work at a job at some point in the future."

Dr. Aniko Constantine

Dr. Aniko Constantine

Getting to know Annie

Dr. Aniko Constantine's truthful legacy is her impact on students.

In her forty-plus years of teaching English at Alfred State, Dr. Aniko Constantine has won awards, go a SUNY Distinguished Pedagogy Professor, and donated money for scholarships and a legacy gift in the grade of a $100,000 annuity. Yet Constantine's true legacy isn't measured in achievements or dollars and cents, but rather by the impact she has had on her students.

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Dr. James Ferry

"The one matter that hasn't changed viscerally at Alfred State is the culture; faculty are here because they want to teach students and foster their full potentials."

Dr. James Ferry

Dr. James Ferry

Agronomy (AAS)

James and Marilyn Ferry donated $10,000 to support the James G. and Marilyn A. Ferry Endowed Scholarship.

Dr. Ferry received his AAS degree in agronomy from Alfred State in 1963 followed by BS and MS degrees from the University of Georgia. He continued his education with a PhD degree in biochemistry from the Academy of Illinois in 1974. He was appointed banana professor of microbiology at Virginia Tech in 1976, where he rose to the rank of professor.

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Taylor Battaglia

"I had a job offer in paw and signed and was ready to go, which was a huge relief because I didn't have to exercise any job searching when I was all done with college."

Taylor Battaglia

Taylor Battaglia

Mechanical Engineering Applied science (BS)

For Taylor Battaglia, the hands-on learning he received at Alfred State was invaluable in one case he entered the workforce.

"I retrieve Alfred State really gave me the experience of what it would exist similar to exist working, partially because it wasn't simply sit down, take someone talk at yous for an hour," Taylor said. "It's 1 thing to look at information technology in a textbook, but information technology'south another affair to actually hold information technology in your manus. It'south a totally different experience."

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Chad Dispenza

"All of the things that have really go my strengths were from opportunities I had at Alfred State."

Chad Dispenza

Chad Dispenza

Information technology: web evolution

Dispenza became less shy through getting involved with many clubs and organizations on campus.

In his senior year of loftier schoolhouse, Buffalo native Chad Dispenza was voted shyest person in his class. But once he came to Alfred Land, he came out of his shell. "At the football games, every time we scored a touchdown, I would run downward onto the field and do equally many sit-ups as nosotros would accept points," he said, "and the cheerleaders would yell at me."

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Lisa Reynolds

"[Online classes] offer a lot of flexibility. It takes a lot of cocky-discipline, but it'due south really slap-up for someone who has a busy schedule."

Lisa Reynolds

Lisa Reynolds

Nursing BSN, Chemical Dependency Rehab, New Horizons Inpatient at Binghamton General

Lisa had a lot of alien ideas nigh what to do with her life before entering college.

"To be honest, I sort of fell into nursing as a major. I looked at a lot of schools, thought almost pre-med, law enforcement, everything. In high school I considered psychology as well," Lisa says.

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Al Styrcula

"Equally a result of that education that I had received at Alfred State, I just stayed in my field and I found it very enjoyable and information technology became very successful for me."

Al Styrcula

Al Styrcula

General business direction, '59

When Albert Styrcula entered the workforce in 1959, he was fresh out of higher.

He started out at Foodcraft Inc., a pocket-sized processing and distribution company that dealt in dairy products. His jobs varied from accounting work to driving trucks to delivering milk to washing bottles.

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Patty Padilla

"In my head I always had all these ideas and stories; this major helps me organize my thoughts and share them with the world."

Patty Padilla

Patty Padilla

Digital Media and Animation

Patty Padilla, a Manhattan resident, came to Alfred State undecided until she met a student in the Digital Media and Animation Section.

"In my caput I always had all these ideas and stories; this major helped me organize my thoughts and share them with the world."

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Courtney Cardinal

"My years at Alfred Country provided me the opportunity to abound as a person and as a student."

Courtney Cardinal

Courtney Central

Forensic science technology (BS), biological science (AAS)

Strong work ethic and leadership skills were the direct event of her programs and getting involved on campus.

A 2013 SUNY Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence recipient, Courtney joined Pupil Senate as the activities chair and later became president of that organization. In improver, she co-founded Live to Fight, a group that brings awareness to all types of cancer and terminal diseases.

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Travis Harvey

"I heard about how good the major here was, and information technology was really ane of the few schools that offered information technology with both hands-on training and the green building aspect."

Travis Harvey

Travis Harvey

Building Construction, Engineering science Direction

Travis is passionate about all things green—from renewable energy and resources to green building techniques.

Travis was attracted to the building structure major at Alfred State because of the incredible hands-on learning opportunities it offers. "I heard well-nigh how expert the major here was, and it was really one of the few schools that offered information technology with both hands-on preparation and the green building aspect."

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Roger O'Toole

"The professors are too licensed surveyors who accept a lot of pride in what they exercise and the organizations they are a part of."

Roger O'Toole

Roger O'Toole

Surveying and Geomatics Engineering science Engineering science

Later on 15 years dreaming of going dorsum to schoolhouse, Roger took the bound and applied to Alfred State.

Although he holds a degree in forestry, the college's four-yr, Advocate accredited program in surveying and geomatics engineering applied science was a ameliorate fit for his career aspirations.

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Zach Diangelo

"Having two degrees volition make me a more competitive job applicant. The more versatile you are and the more you know, the more marketable you are."

Zach Diangelo

Zach Diangelo

Automotive Applied science, Heavy Equipment: Truck and Diesel Technician

Zach Diangelo, of Nunda, has a honey of all things fast, powerful, and four-wheeled.

"I really beloved working on cars. I love seeing how I can make them go faster and be more powerful. My dream is to work on Lamborghinis and Mercedes."

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Emily Slayton

"I wanted to spend more than time under the hood rather than just rushing through the theory."

Emily Slayton

Emily Slayton

Welding Technology

"I'thousand a girl working in what people call back of every bit a man's field, but I've never let that define me."

Emily discovered her talent for welding in high schoolhouse and chose Alfred State because she wanted an education that would requite her the experience she needed to be confident entering the field.

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Ryan Dontoh

"I was put into an environment that I call a 'practice task' and I came out the other side with the utmost confidence in my abilities."

Ryan Dontoh

Ryan Dontoh

Autobody repair

Ryan had the opportunity to gain alive, hands-on experience as a technician, and work alongside instructors very well-versed in their field.

Ryan Dontoh can attest that Alfred State played a huge role in helping him get the person he is today. The Dryden native is now employed as a senior build technician at Local Motors, Inc. out of Phoenix, AZ, a company he established a human relationship with while taking part in the Fireball Run competition as an Alfred Country pupil. Also, joining the Psi Delta Omega Fraternity and the Emerging Pioneers Leadership Program (EPLP), he says, helped make him into a leader.

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Barbara Becker

"An investment in the education of our immature people is one of the best investments we can make for our families, communities, and our country."

Barbara Becker

Barbara Becker

Executive secretarial

"Alfred State is 1 of my large loves."

Barbara Becker credits Alfred Land with providing the foundation for advancement in her 40-yr career in the business organization globe, as well as the confidence to meet the challenges of everyday life.  "Alfred State is 1 of my large loves," she said.

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Mary Huntington

"I only get to things, just to brand a presence, considering I enjoy what the college has."

Mary Huntington

Mary Huntington

Get-go lady of Alfred Land from 1964 to 1986

An enduring and endearing presence

You may take seen her at an Alfred Country sporting event, at Start, or exercising at the Orvis Strength and Conditioning Center. Mary Huntington has had a strong presence at Alfred State and the nearby community since 1964, when she became first lady of the college after her married man, David, took over as the school's seventh president. David Huntington, for whom the Huntington Administration Edifice on the Alfred campus is named, served as head of the college until 1986.

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Tim and Deborah (Wallace) Moore

"[Alfred Country] gave the states a chance to flourish and to notice what lay ahead for usa in the future."

Tim and Deborah (Wallace) Moore

Tim and Deborah (Wallace) Moore

Class of 1982

For the Moores, Alfred Country is many things.

Alfred Land is the place where they met, the place where they fell in beloved, and the place that helped set them on a path to bright futures. The Moores' road to where they are today began in the early '80s, when they first met in the registration line at Alfred Country every bit non­traditional, adult students. Though they now reside more than 400 miles away from Alfred, the Moores take still maintained shut ties to Alfred Country and have generously supported their alma mater over the years.

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Lee Brasted

"My professional success, I believe, is greatly indebted to the solid foundation I received at Alfred State."

Lee Brasted

Lee Brasted

Engineering science science

Brasted has given back much to Alfred State over the years.

In his 30-plus years of working for Shell Offshore, a subsidiary of Shell Oil, Lee Brasted carved out an impressive and prosperous career every bit a globe-form engineer. The success he enjoyed in this field was largely founded on the solid education he received at Alfred State.

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Bill Buckner

"I remember you learn a lot more by doing."

Pecker Buckner

Bill Buckner

Building Trades: Building Construction

Alfred Land is very veteran-friendly.

When former Regular army Master Sgt. Bill Buckner decided to attend college to larn edifice trades, he wanted some hands-on work, rather than sitting in a classroom all day, so he chose to earn his degree at Alfred State. "I didn't want to write a whole bunch of papers. In the building trades: building construction major, you sit in a classroom for an hr or ii in the morning time and then you apply what you've been taught. Plus, you're more agile."

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Jordon Williams

"We're getting that hands-on experience that employers are looking for.​"

Jordon Williams

Jordon Williams

Electrical Construction and Maintenance Electrician

Faculty helped him out tremendously and the college has given him the knowledge and conviction he needs.

Later completing his service in the Marine Corps, Jordon Williams began researching colleges to nourish. His search ultimately brought him to Alfred State. "Information technology had the best programme for what I wanted to practice." Williams, who planned on becoming a air current turbine technician afterwards graduating from Alfred Country, said the faculty helped him out tremendously, and that the higher gave him the cognition and confidence he needed to have when inbound the workforce.

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